Tuesday, December 7, 2010

"I want it now!" and Microwave lives!

"I want it now" is a common sentence in our home which spoken mostly with a loud voice and with command! My response is usually always under my breath "whatever" is what I would like to say. However I refrain myself and put my gentle motherly voice on and return with "sweetie that's not a nice way to ask". And then quietly bang my head against the wall and wonder how my children turned out this way!
I also found myself tonight looking at the bath and thinking holy cow how did it get so dirty so fast, and having a minor temper tantrum in the bathroom by myself and saying I want it cleaned NOW. I do want a lot now, in fact there were so many things today that I just wish I had now, completed now, organized now and so on.
So now when I look around at world its no surprise that we are bombarded with events, adds, commercials etc "happening now", "get it now", "save now".
It is no wonder when we are pregnant that we stay on this track of "I want it now", we are like a steam engine on a track at high speed. "I want to know the sex of the baby now", " I want to give birth now", "I want breastfeeding to work now", we demand and command all of these things with perhaps a slight disregard of our powerlessness in all of it. The process takes time, patience and a little more patience. How do I know? Because I lived it and now I see it. No instant microwave life for me. Besides I only want the stuff I don't enjoy to be instant the rest I would like to enjoy at a leisurely pace. Huh! I should know better.

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